ABP Mile Makers
Our volunteers at the ABP Southampton Marathon are called the ABP Mile Makers because their smiles, cheering and support 'makes the mile' all that more special for our runners.
Our Mile Maker roles vary from cheering and clapping runners around the route, to handing out water or welcoming our runners back across the Finish Line with a well earned medal and fantastic Finisher tee! There are plenty of options for all to get involved. Our event runs with approximately 850 volunteers every year, so we need you to get involved.
Mile Maker Groups:
Our fantastic sponsors, ABP Southampton, very kindly donate £250 to every group of 20+ who volunteer at our event each year. With groups ranging from local Scout and Guide groups to the WI, University sports teams, rowing clubs and other local community groups, these funds have been really well received and spent on a whole host of different items and activities for their team. What could your group do with a £250 donation?
As well as the donation, all Groups receive the same benefits as individual Mile Makers (see below).
Each group has 1 x Mile Leader who is in charge of their team.
If this is you, then make sure to sign up today to avoid missing out
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